2021 Fall Clinic Updates
What a season it’s been, hey?
First things first… as we head into fall and watch the positive case numbers increase in BC, there will be no changes to the current Covid-19 clinic protocols until further notice.
New Healthy Living Online Learning Center
With that out of the way, I’m pleased to share a few exciting things I have going on. This weekend, I’m heading on over the New Westminster to take part in a CrossFit Level 2 Training seminar. This should help bring my fitness coaching to a whole new level, allowing me to better fit functional fitness into your homecare plans. As of October 10th, I’ll have completed the year-long Precision Nutrition Level 2 Certification, ensuring that I have the best possible nutrition coaching foundations available. Finally, I have registered in the Girls Gone Strong Women’s Training Specialist program, to help me better understand the unique needs of my female clients and patients. I expect to be completed the GGS-1 course by the end of this year.
I’m bringing all of my health training & background to an online platform where you can learn what’s relevant to you and your life. Read more “2021 Fall Clinic Updates”